tutup mulut && mari lihat

ketawa sedih bersama. peace

Thursday, April 29, 2010

hey stalker !

haha. yup. word plg jelas utk post kali ini. sbb sbb bnd ni dh jd rutin harian. guess wht. sy dh mule wt bnd 2 baek di fcebook , blog, atau formspring. siriusly. karya mereka yg distalk sy ni hebat, cumel && terbaek. tp xfollow diorang pung. nk tau pesal. sbb sy xkenal diorang. dn mgkn malu la kot. eyh wtpe nk malu kn. sbb kw 2 ego sgt. nk org jd bawah kw je. slalu mncmburui mereka. hehe. maybe btol la. xpe. i will follow them oneday. alahai. sy jd cmni pn sbb bosan. xde nk wtpe. akcely byk je keje tp mmg malas la. xlarat nk translate2, nk pikir2 lg. heih mmgla dh tngungjwb kw. ngeng je. tp kn sy xle nk accept keje ni. rimas && trase penat sgt. lme lg 2 nk bis prakt. around 6 weeks. wow. xsngop nk mngire tp kena jugak. keje. bkn penah benti. budak2 prakt je. bru anak2 ayam kenala wt sumenye. oke. will realise dat. keep trying. no waste pn kn. juz chill dn snyum je ! peace ♥

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cranberries : Animal Instinct

Suddenly something has happened to me
As I was having my cup of tea
Suddenly I was feeling depressed
I was utterly and totally stressed
Do you know you made me cry
Do you know you made me die

And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt
It is a lovely thing that we have
It is a lovely thing that we
It is a lovely thing, the animal
The animal instinct

So take my hands and come with me
We will change reality
So take my hands and we will pray
They won't take you away
They will never make me cry, no
They will never make me die

And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt

The animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
It's the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
It's the animal, it's the animal
It's the animal instinct in me(2X)
p/s : suke sgt lagu ni. mwa cranberries

Friday, April 9, 2010


maaf la. dh lme xupdate. rase mls y amat sgt. ni pn nk dkt bis waktu keje dan nk blek uma. sorila. byk sgt pk. pening. penat. macam2 ade. theme : work sumpa eqin benci keje. dulu b4 msok li (praktikal) rse cm xsaba. excited y teramat. teruje ytrlbey. tp ble dh stat bkeje dnia eqin jd laen sgt. jd mcm bosan. jd macam kebingungan. tiade fun lnsg. btollah org ckp. blaja lg mnarek khdupannye dr bkerje. sobsob. rndu teman2 y slame ni sntse ade di sisi *mule mnghargai rakan2 ; walhal kalo dh msok mule bergado2* mmgla hipo eqin ni. heee. ckp sal keje byk sgt dh eqin xwt. mmg mls a. maybe boleg tercalun student y plg malas li kt cmpny ni. haish. memalukan ibu ang btol. brubah la eqin. tnjukkan sedikit dedikasi anda pd syrkt scs. fuhh. insyaallah la sy akn buat. sbb eqin mang xmnt membace. sh*t la kalo bab2 reading ni. bole kasi g ++ la. hurm. nk wt cne. xpe mse li tngal 2 bln lg. sabala. hah 2 bulan. mmg bagoih keje ang cikin. repot xwt lnsg. buku log 0. ape ang nk jwb kt lect y akn dtg cek nnty. huh. perlu di ciapkan by nexwik cz fikt dh dpt col dr lect. hua3. sum1 help me. cmne nk wt eyh. adoyai. dhla byk ari gak xdtg keje. pasai pa. pasai eqin xcden. 2 la mnungang dgn x berhati2. terlaju plak tyme 2. padahnye la. tau nk salahkn org laen. mangla. sape nk ckp dri sndiri salah. && naseb baek xtrok sgt. juz kcderaan y kecil. tp eqin bole dmam sbb terkena injection. *gare2 nk dpt mc trpkse pegi klinik*
doct : kmu skt pe ?
i : ekcden doct
doct : tunjuk luka kmu (tgk luke smbl wt gye mymph)
i : nk mc ye doct cz sy prakt..
doct : oh bole. tp amek suntikan dulu
i : baeklah *dlm ati ckp doct ni bod btolla. sigh
oke fine. dn dmam. ish sgt penat tw. jht gle doct 2. pas 2 ari kaki eqin mle bngkak. hukhuk. smpi skrg xbek lg even dh dpt mc lg 2 ari. dn dh g keje pn. kaki syg smoge cepat smbuh ye. ♥

p/s : moto msh comel. waa. kw la chenta ak smpi mmpos *jge atie